About us

The mission of Geoinvest is to demonstrate and implement technological systems that are based on the efficient application of renewable natural resources. Our aim is to gather the highest number of those people to our community for whom the efficient production of the required energy besides the environmental resource management, the protection of the environment and sustainability are also key factors. It is a real challenge for us to have the opportunity to plan and use future’s technologies while renovating existing architectural values or during the new, energy-conscious constructions, meanwhile providing the criteria for economical operation.


Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) systems

Feasibility studies, planning, drilling and ground-probe test, implementation, maintenance, service, expertise.

Complex water management systems

Sewage-, rain-water-, well-water-, gray water-management, unique water supply systems. Feasibility studies, planning, implementation, maintenance, service.

Saving of architectural heritage

Renovation and mechanical modernization of castles, old villas, listed buildings and other special constructions.

GROUND HEAT, as a renewable energy source

Ground-sourced energy can be considered as a clean and renewable energy source, as the heat radiating from the inside of the Earth is available in almost unlimited amounts. It is constantly accessible, as it does not depend on neither the weather (like wind energy), nor the seasons or the number of sunny hours (like solar energy). Hungary has outstanding geothermal capacities. The average temperature of the upper layer of the soil is 10-12 degrees Celsius, ideal for stable heating/cooling purposes. In the case of geothermal systems based on ground-probes, the soil fulfills the role of a certain kind of „battery”, that provides for consumption in winter and where we put energy to be stored during the summer.

EFFICIENT ENERGY PRODUCTION 3+1=4 We can achieve a very efficient energy production by using GSHP systems. Under average circumstances, we need 3 parts of ground heat and 1 part of electricity to produce 4 parts of heating energy. Currently, this is the most efficient solution among the energy sources that are not subject to licensing and are free to use.


The GSHP system is a cost-efficient solution, because compared to the conventional systems, it allows a 50% saving in average while in heating mode. During the summer period, we can achieve an even better efficiency with a so-called passive cooling, by using the ground’s characteristics. This is a closed system, meaning that during the operation, no waste or any other pollutant is produced. During planning, we take into consideration the sustainment of the soil’s heating energy balance in harmony with the expected needs.

Requirements of installation

The GSHP system is an ideal choice when planning new building engineering systems, but it can also be used in the case of renovations and reconstructions. The installation of ground-probes is possible on a free space on most properties or, in the case of new investments, even placing the system underneath the building.

Areas of installation

In the majority of the cases, the system can be implemented as planned.


MODERN, because the broader scale of HVAC systems serves the comfort of our homes and also the efficient operation. Nowadays, heating-cooling and warm water supply can be provided by one single system. Building control systems can offer several practical solutions so that you can supervise and intervene your building’s functioning anytime, from anywhere.

ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY, because the heat pumps do not emit any kind of pollutant.

COST-EFFICIENT, because we have to buy the traditional energy sources (coal, petroleum, natural gas, wood) in advance so that we can burn them and gain heating energy. Renewable energies are available almost anywhere, so their consumption is much more favorable and their efficiency does not lag behind from that of the traditional energy carriers.

The consumption of renewable energy sources is our common cause: a solution that provides comfort and is economical and environment-friendly.

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Headquarters: H-1126 Budapest, Németvölgyi út 40.
VAT number: 28803146-2-43
Company registration number: 01-09-374663

Richárd Pap

+36 30 330 0066

György Sembery

+36 30 952 9908


Richárd Pap

+36 30 330 0066

H-1126 Budapest, Németvölgyi út 40.
VAT number: 28803146-2-43
Company registration number: 01-09-374663

György Sembery

+36 30 952 9908